“A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth.”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

It Happened at the Mall


A clerk ran to get
the busy floor manager
so I could stay put.

A customer said,
my wife has bad knees as well.
Let me help you please.

Another mentioned
his many back surgeries
yet opened my door.

The smiling bagger
foretold one day I'd walk free.
He was sure of it.

They opened my heart
as I accepted kindness
I had not asked for.

None knew what ailed me,
only that I needed help
they gave joyfully.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Successful Crossing?


A smile ferries me
across storms, rocks, and eddies
which might capsize me.

Will I reach the shore?
A jagged course line impedes
my being certain.

Caught in the pretense
my life will turn out okay,
I smile at the world.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014



I can never know
how my life would have turned out
if not for MS.

Life has many ifs.
Family, era, and luck
all impress their mark.

All things work for good?
I wonder if that is true.
But I can pretend.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Who Is Exceptional?


Who really becomes
the exceptional person?
One who always wins?

S/he who though broken
speaks of yearning for wholeness,
is that true healing?

Could our best come from
acknowledging our losses
to those who grieve too?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Post Traumatic Growth


Some people bounce back
when trauma upends their lives.
Struggle inspires growth.

Finding the new good
facilitates growth despite
distress remaining.

In how one reacts,
existing character traits
may be the real key.

Inspired by  "Surviving the Jolt"