Discovering Joy
5 days ago
**** On Life's Journey
Research shows that, “in all cultures, the conviction that one’s predicament is hopeless may cause or hasten disintegration and death.” [Jerome and Julia Frank, Persuasion and Healing] The tools available to me to fight this disease are limited. Could it be that keeping hope alive is the strongest weapon in my arsenal?
I´m not see you in the fog but I feel you in your words
I know what you mean. I've become quite wary during my 'good' times. Often I'll become complacent, trying hard to believe I may get better. Then my smugness turns to disappointment when the next 'bad' time hits!
Hi Judy - a never ending light to darkness, fog to mist to sun to rain to the next storm - I hide in the shadows and cover my eyes when I step out in to the light of reality.
Love Gail
Josè Antonio, thank you for being able to feel what I try to communicate with my words.
Muff, it's a constant adjusting process, isn't it? As in, who am I now?
Gail, yes, I'm familiar, too, with that space behind the hand covering the eyes. :)
I rarely put on the game face anymore, but I am always happy when I emerge from the fog, if only for a short while.
Karen, I'm happy to emerge, too, and I do my best to not start counting the seconds until the fog descends again; instead, being grateful for the good moments while I have them.
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