“A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth.”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

This I Believe*


I do not know how
I will manage to endure,
but I trust I shall.

I tap into roots
spiritual and grounded.
My center will hold.

Faith in renewal
anchors my spirit in hope
my life will be blessed.



Judy said...

"This I Believe" is the next-to-last poem of my book, Peace on the Journey. The book's first poem is titled "I Want to Believe," presented below.

I Want to Believe
Life is a blessing.
Joy reigns as a birthright gift.
Gentleness is mine.

Discord and sorrow
oppressive and enduring
can be overcome.

Love will seek a way
to salve even the deepest
open wounds of loss.

The two poems represent the starting and ending points of the journey I have lived and wanted to express through poetry.

In my daily life, I often find myself reciting one or both of these poems, depending on which is most fitting. The first, "I Want to Believe," I tend to use when my belief about whether life can be good is tested. Today's poem represents the strength and conviction I have gained through experiencing the trials of chronic illness and other significant life stress. Today's "This I Believe" is a reassurance to myself that I am strong, that I have resources I can tap, and that renewal is a powerful force.

Muffie said...

I love both of these poems! I often read your poetry as a starting point for meditation. In the brevity I find volumes!

Robert Parker said...

Indeed: Amen and amen!

Judy said...

Muff, I'm so flattered that you often use my poetry for your meditation. I do, too.

Robert, Amen!

Now, I hope you will not be disappointed when I lose hope and confidence and write about that, too. It is all part of my real-life reality with this disease.