“A poem is the very image of life expressed in its eternal truth.”
Percy Bysshe Shelley

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Icy Wind


An icy wind blows
in frigid bone-cracking cold,
showing no mercy.

Fleeing the harsh winds,
all living beings scurry,
searching for shelter.

Lower daylight hours
thrust waiting into darkness
even in refuge.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kindle Edition Available

The Kindle version of my book is now available.  Peace on the Journey is enrolled in Amazon’s Matchbook program. This means that if you already purchased the print edition in the past (or purchase one now), the Kindle price is reduced by 50%.

It has been a remarkable experience for me to read my own book in this new edition. It feels as if I had published it for the first time. Also, in my Kindle library (organized by Amazon), my book “sits” alongside Thomas Jefferson and John Keats. What a thrill!


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Future Promise


Morning hoarfrost forms
fresh dew frozen on parched grass
before sunlight comes.

A slumbering world
poised to shed its dormancy
awaits light’s coming.

What life may exist
beneath apparent stillness
holds future promise.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

In This New Year


May You ... 

Have light shine away
the darkness of your valley
so you can reach home.

Meet along the way
strangers who treat you kindly
 and with a full smile.

Feel deep in your heart
the warmth of those beside you
who also love you.