Discovering Joy
5 days ago
**** On Life's Journey
Research shows that, “in all cultures, the conviction that one’s predicament is hopeless may cause or hasten disintegration and death.” [Jerome and Julia Frank, Persuasion and Healing] The tools available to me to fight this disease are limited. Could it be that keeping hope alive is the strongest weapon in my arsenal?
Suits our weather here perfectly!
Reading this makes me even colder! Brrrr... but you totally captured the feeling!
I simply loved this poem! It is beautiful and moving! Thank you!
ohhhh...I just hope it gets warmer there as going to visit your state next month escaping the cold weather we have here
This poem is interesting for me because after writing it and then reading it once posted, I realized it had an additional meaning I had not appreciated before. The poem was written during my book creation process to capture a wintertime reality. It can, however, be viewed as a highly metaphorical poem addressing what happens when challenge, misfortune, a tragedy, etc. occur in one’s life. The first verse identifies the misfortune; the second, the reaction; the third, the outcome. Honestly, it is moments like this insight which give me chills because they make me realize I am not alone in this writing process, whatever that means. I just know that consciously I had not intended this alternative interpretation, but it can be read clearly now. As I said when discussing my book’s creation in my other blog, Judith Mercado (, these poems are the universe’s gift to me.
Karen, I’m glad I was able to describe it well.
Muff, It helps that I once lived in Chicago.
Line, thank you for visiting my blog and for your kind words about my poem.
Anne, I, too, hope the weather is favorable when you come.
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